Handler's Page
Hilltop Sheepdog Trial 2024
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Judges for 2024- Jamie Spring - to judge Open 2 , Provice 2 and Novice 1 and 2. 
Ed Hawkins - Pronovice 1 , Nursery, Open  1 and 3 and Double Lift  CLICK ON PICTURE FOR RUN ORDER

Mankota, Saskatchewan will once again host the annual Hilltop Trial.  Mankota Grasslands Inn is pleased to be the official accommodation for the event.   Please book early.
306 478 2909 
The Lodgel in Kincaid, Saskatchewan will also have rooms  
which will be available -306 264 7834

Camping available within town or at grounds.​
The 2024 Hilltop Sheepdog Trial is in the one horse town of Mankota, Saskatchewan.  A beautiful field with rolling hills is available, and will no doubt test your dog.  Previous trials in this field has shown that the course is very doable, yet a challenge.  A three day open trial, double lift and two days of pro novice and nursery dogs.  Guaranteed to have a fun time!!
 Entries are now closed for 2024

Click on picture for entry form
​E transfer hilltoptrial@hotmail.com
​Paypal - aspatria@hotmail.com​
US checks accepted at PAR


About The Location.
About the Flock
The flock this year will be the farm flock of Hilltop Ranch 300 hardy Scottish blackface cross to deal with..always a good challenge for beast and man.

The topography allows several different  open outruns, ranging from 425 to 550 yards.  The double lift outruns are from 500 to 600  yards.  Toted as the "Meeker of the North", the sheep and the lay of the land will test teams fairly.